Tip 11: Part 3: Psychic Sweatshop Fees On Psychic Jobs New Hires and Payroll Fees

Psychic Jobs
Beware – Payroll Fraud

Psychic jobs should never incur a fee to an applicant. Sweatshopa charges a $50 administrative fee. That is questionable and hovers on the borderline to unethical.

The only job that should ever charge a fee to an employee or contractor is a sales position in which the representative has to buy the product and then re-sell. Even in that instance, I sit on the fence. However, for our purpose here, my focus is the specialty of Psychic Jobs.

Sweatshopa also charges its’ adviser’s a $20 fee if they want to be paid out via PayPal. Now PayPal does not charge a company such a fee. I know this very well, as I have dealt with PayPal numerous times for both business and personal.

Sweatshopa has to pay a fee to PayPal is because PayPal has an enhanced feature in which MASS PAYMENTS can be sent out for a fee. Well, the workaround is not to use such a feature and do it the old school way. However, Sweatshopa 2 sends out mass payments because they have tons of advisers and do not want to expend the workforce actually to handle that labor. There are no free lunches, folks! You want to play; you have a pay! Simple. It’s the cost of operating a business. I never head of traditional 9-5 job charging their employees a payroll fee.

The only instance where a fee is acceptable is in the case where a bank wire transfer and ACH fee is accrued. Those are not done in bulk. However, PayPal has many features where it can send a payment one by one, and no fee is incurred.

Worse, the payout dates for this company is somewhere in the middle of the month and lacks a consistent date. Sending out payroll once a month is unheard-of. However, most bills are due on the 1st of the month. More specifically 98% of rents/mortgage payments are due on the first of the month

Read more on sweatshops on:   Tip 9 Tip 10 Tip 12 Tip 13 Tip 16  Tip 17,  Tip 18  Tip 22 Tip #24,   Tip 25 and  Tip 26 

When we hear of such practices, it makes us appreciate our network where fair practices and logical business transactions take place. So apply now.

Careful with Psychic sites hiring.

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