Being an independent contractor has many advantages. A Psychic job on a Psychic Network is not exempt from professionalism; Like anything in life, there are always two sides to a circumstance. To work independently, one needs to show competence. This means the contractor does not require a significant amount of supervision because they can execute and follow the rules and get the job done.
Many people in all professions are not hire-able. This may be due to a lack of skill, lack of character, or merely a lack of quality craft.
Aside from being an excellent Psychic reader, demonstrating trustworthy character and quality craft will place the Psychic reader ahead.
I have seen time over time that Psychic readers that need micro-management not only fail in accumulating success but also fail at sustaining their agreement with a company.
A network doesn’t have too much time to give excessive “hand-holding” a reader requires. I once heard a competitor state that managing some of the readers feels like operating a daycare. Yikes! Some companies may label them as either “high maintenance, “can’t follow directions,” “can’t be trusted,” or “requires too much supervision.” Regardless of the labels, it boils down to 1 thing: they are not demonstrating the ability to work independently.
In any industry or job, when a worker demonstrates difficulty, they are the first ones removed. This is common and logical because a company has too many responsibilities, liabilities, and more importantly, needs good workers to carry out a routine properly.
There is no rocket science to this. If a worker wants to sustain his/her place, they need to have empathy and realize that employers have a lot on their platters and need efficiency. Simple, right? I have seen this apply too in the corporate world. This is not isolated to just Psychic readers. It is universally applicable to all.
The bottom line, good work, and likeability wins popularity. Being an independent contractor requires needing to show independence. A good Psychic Job Online is hard to come by unless you apply with a good company.