Tip 25: Warning Flags: Amateur Psychic Networks

psychic lines for hire

Amateur Psychic Networks, such as Psychic Sweatshop B, shows the management has more experience providing technical support than actual Psychic management experience.

The quality of Psychics hired is lacking. 

First, the company allows Psychics to post on a posting board that both clients and fellow Psychics can read. That makes the company look amateurish.

Second, no company should ever allow its employees or contractors to have a place to “vent.” Venting should be executed with personal friends and loved ones, not in an area of business where clients can observe this. Picture this, if you went to a restaurant and heard a waiter complaining to a fellow waiter about a previous patron, how would you feel? I would be appalled and would not want to eat there again. The company’s PR image is tarnished.

Third, in handling terminations, for a company to post on a bulletin board, a reply from a rambunctious contractor is below the levels of business management. Disciplinary action is done in private. For a company to even allow a Psychic to post something like that is equally appalling.

Forth, those posting boards have been venues for unprofessional Psychics to abuse other Psychics — yet another big no-no.

Finally, those posting boards are also an entry port for clients to try to obtain free readings. That too is a big no-no. These on-demand readings are just that – On Demand-First come first served.

Be sure to learn more about these sweatshop practices in:    Tip 9 Tip 10 Tip 11 Tip 12 Tip 13 Tip 16  Tip 17,  Tip 18  Tip 22 Tip #24,  and  Tip 26

Our network is telephone and thus does not have an online forum to allow such practices. We are a role modeled by the telephone networks pre-internet. We layer professional standards for a healthy business upholds. Apply today.

Psychic jobs online with a professional company are available.

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