99.9% of all Psychic job positions are Independent Contractor positions. The reason for this is because nature or the industry fluctuates. If employees where utilized, it would require making sure the reader would be on back to back phone calls without a gap of time as the time paid would need to be a profit margin for the company.
Also, it would require having the employee work at a call center as an employer would have to control every call, schedule, and work quality.
I have heard of call center companies that hired “experts” as Psychics. However, they also worked the adult lines. So if a Psychic line call were idle, they would proceed to an adult line telephone call.
PsychicLink only specializes in Psychic work.
Psychics are independent contractors because this industry does not have a guarantee in call volume. It also makes practical business sense as readers can have other income-generating opportunities to supplement their needs.
Major conflicts arise when networks tell readers they must be exclusive. This was a massive issue for a former 1990’s company, Astronet. One of their legal disasters resulted in them pulling the plug. They were one of the first internet networks featured on AOL. The irony was that their Independent Contractors Readers Agreement stated that the agreement was exclusive. That right, there demonstrated ignorance.
Other companies covertly acted in a manner that would dictate readers could not pursue other opportunities in or out of this industry. That is a big no-no.
PsychicLink is very transparent about Independent Contractor rights. We are one of the very few companies that support and recommend readers to multiple professional opportunities.
Other differences between independent contractors versus employees are companies that do not provide equipment (telephone, computer, and reading tools.) Any company that sends equipment to a worker can quickly deem as an employer.
The significant difference between employees versus an independent contractor is taxes withheld by the employer from the employee’s compensation. Whereas, in an independent contractor position, the contractor is responsible for his/her taxes; the company instead uses payroll as a business expense.
The only scenario I have ever heard of a network paying hourly wages to Psychics was when the company had the worker taking all sorts of different phone calls (Psychic, sex, party line, customer service, and more.) I have never seen a network pay Psychics out as an employee for just Psychic readings and idle time.
A major red flag alert rises when a Psychic Network tells its readers that they are not allowed to have other employment.
Apply now for a Psychic reader position.
Hiring Psychic Lines seek only great psychics.